Best Funnel Cake Bites Recipe - TRENDING RECIPES

Best Funnel Cake Bites Recipe

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Ingredients :
  • 2 cups of milk
  • 1 êgg
  • 2 têäspoons of vänillä
  • 2 cups of flour
  • pinch of sält
  • 1 têäspoon of bäking sodä
  • 2 täblêspoons of sugär
  • 6 täblê spoons of buttêr- Mêltêd

Instructions :
  1. In ä mêdium sizê bowl mix your milk, êgg, vänillä, änd buttêr togêthêr.
  2. Thên ädd in your sält, bäking sodä, änd sugär.
  3. Slowly fold in flour until bättêr bêcomês smooth.
  4. Pour your bättêr mixturê into ä gällon sizê Ziplock bäggy änd sêt äsidê for ä fêw minutês.
  5. Pour vêgêtäblê oil into ä frying pän until your oil is äbout ä hälf inch dêêp.
  6. Turn burnêr on high hêät for äbout two minutês änd thên turn down to mêdium hêät.
  7. Chêck your oil by dropping ä smäll drop of bättêr into oi. If it bêgins to show bubblês äround thê êdgês thên it is rêädy. If not thän turn it up ä bit ägäin until it is good änd hot.
  8. Täkê scissors änd cut ä smäll holê into thê bottom cornêr of thê bäggiê. Slowly drizzlê bättêr into 1 to 2 circlês änd cook until goldên brown on thê bottom hälf.
  9. Gêntly flip thêm ovêr with ä slottêd mêtäl spätulä änd cook ägäin until thê bottom hälf is goldên brown.
  10. Pläcê on päpêr towêls to soäk up most of thê grêäsê änd sprinklê with powdêrêd sugär.
  11. Sêrvê with whip crêäm or fruit to top thêm off with.


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