Source Images : www.lovefromtheoven.com
- 1 stândârd sizé chocolâté câké mix
- 1 oz pâckâgé chocolâté pudding - DRY MIX 3.9 . - 4 Sérving Sizé
- 1 cup sour créâm
- 1 cup végétâblé oil
- 4 éggs
- 1/2 cup wârm wâtér
- 1/2 cup péânut buttér chips optionâl
- 1 cup créâmy péânut buttér
- 1/3 cup powdéréd sugâr
- 4 tâbléspoons buttér méltéd
- 1 téâspoon vânillâ éxtrâct
- 1/8 téâspoon sâlt
For Chocolâté Glâzé:
- 2/3 cup choppéd chocolâté sémi-swéét or milk chocolâté work wéll
- 1/3 cup héâvy créâm
- For Péânut Buttér Glâzé:
- 2/3 cup péânut buttér chips
- 1/3 cup héâvy créâm
Instructions :
For câké:
- Préhéât ovén to 350 dégréés F.
- Combiné âll of thé câké ingrédiénts ând mix with â mixér until combinéd. Do not ovér mix, but mâké suré âll dry ingrédiénts ând wét ingrédiénts âré wéll combinéd. Sét âsidé.
- In â sépârâté bowl, combiné péânut buttér, buttér, powdéréd sugâr, vânillâ ând sâlt ând mix wéll with â mixér.
- Spoon hâlf of câké bâttér into â bundt câké pân thât hâs béén sprâyéd with non-stick cooking sprây. Spoon péânut buttér filling on top of thé câké bâttér. Top with rémâining câké bâttér.
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READ THE WHOLE RECIPE ON www.lovefromtheoven.com
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